Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Posted by Upiet at 6:47 PM
It has been completely a month I have been here, Adelaide SA. I do miss you, more and more. I am wondering about you a lot. You know how many times I check my phone just only to see whether there are texts either calls from you or not. NO. NO answers.

What does make you be like now? The further I go, the more you ignore me. What's goin on actually? :( Did I make a worst mistake? Did I hurt your feeling? Did I, Whatt? I have no idea.

"What is actually the meaning of "miles away" since we do keep in touch?", what the h*ll you just talked to me before. It is totally annoying in my mind.

I know you, YOU ARE SO BUSY. I DO. But, please stop making me feel like I am hoping much on you just to see whether you are okay THERE. Stop making me worried at you. Stop making any promises about this about that. About your "foolish" future, your unrealistic willing. Please NO.

Just saying, " I dont want you care of me anymore", "Let me find my own life without you", and blahh blahh as long as I  know I don't wanna have any "Business" with you. I am okay, I am prettily OKAY.

What a foolish I am having spent much more my time just ONLY hearing your bad thing, your sadness, your never-ending-job while you were in your joy you even don't want me beside you.

WAitttt,,, what a crazy thing I just made so far. I know who I am. :( WHO AM I?

"Pliss, upit. IGNORE HIM, IGNORE HIM. Stop trying to think about him. Who do you think he is? he doesn't belong to you. He doesn't care of you?. Stop being stupid!
Focus on your study. Focus on your parents. They do give you much more attention, affection. They who always beside you whenever you need helps, NOT that man"



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