Saturday, November 14, 2015

Teram 3B, “Walking-Walking”

Posted by Upiet at 9:15 AM

#Part 1: Masjid Tiban, Turen

            Completely a year ago, friends of mine and I went for some walks as annual “boarding house” holiday. Located in Terusan Ambawara or what we usually call it “Teram 3b”, is my boarding house for a year. I got them and I feel like “homey” if we stay in this beloved house. At period of 2014, all of us planned to visit Balekambang beach, the southern area of Malang.
            Waitttt…. Before telling you my incredible unforgettable moment ever, hehhe… let me you know who my friends are. Teram 3B consisted of 12 of us, Fitri, Uluf, Maya, Nani, Anyuk, Nayli, Rinda, Shofi, Endang, Mbak Henyul, Mbak Hikma, and I. Unfortunately, for a reason Rinda missed of us at that time, :(. Thus it was only 11 of us. Okayyy… our journey was started at 7 leaving boarding house by motorcycles. Before visiting the Malang Kute beach, (Red: Balekambang), I offered my friends to visit “Masjid Tiban” in Turen. This is one of phenomenal places in Malang. It is located in Sanan, Turen, about 3 KM from Turen center. If you go from Malang, just follow the main road to Sendang Biru Beach. If you are from Gadang, you can find Bululawang, and just go ahead following the road, and before entering Turen you will find T junction, namely “Telon Kedok”, you only need to go straight, and it is about a kilo, you find  a sign of this place. If you go by public transport you can pay “ojek” to take you there. It’s quite difficult, though, you can ask people near by the T-junction. They will kindly guide you to this place.
 FYI, Masjid Tiban has 10 floors divided into different areas. Each floor has their own function and uniqueness for sure.  To reach each floor you have to pass the manual stage, so there are no lift or suck kind of escalator, do not hope to do so. It is totally tiring if you are willing to pass each floor. I lil bit forgot which floor selling food, or we used to call it “Pasar”. If I am not mistaken it’s on the 8th or 9th floor. You will find a lot of gifts like, tasbih, and all of things related to Muslim needs and kinds of cuisine also sold there. It is not costly, e.g. if you buy several of chips you need to pay for 10 thousands rupiah and you will get 4 items.
This is the front gate before you enter the Mosque

It is the way before you come to the basement

            Oh ya, this is the front side of Masjid Tiban. Separated far away from home, this place keep the “green view” surrounding and attracting the visitors. FYI, there is no entry ticket, or it is opened for free. After arriving at this place, you need to park your vehicle in parking area, again it’s also free. For those who have no much money or in the “broke” time, just visit this place. hehe

            Besides, you can do your praying in the mosque you will be have chances to take pictures with the middle-east architecture. One more thing that I like most from this place is its design. You may see these beautiful places here. 
Look, I really like every detail of this place. Seems that we are in overseas,,

I do not know what this place called, but this is perfectly suitable for family gathering. :)

Taraa...this is what being being called "RUANG MANTEN". This place was established resemble to ornament in wedding party. FYI, there is an annual "NIKAH MASSAL" in this place. Usually it is hold in the Muslim New Year, 1 Muharram. But I am not pretty sure because I just got the info from my friends. :D
Does it look glorious gaes?,,

Next, this is one of the uniqueness of Masjid Tiban. The place is designed like "cave". When entering this part of places, you feel like you are truly in the cave.

Then, this is my favorite photo taken in this place. It is so elegant. heheh

You know gaes, this photo was taken in the top floor of Masjid Tiban. If you can reach to the tenth floor, you will find your self like as mine. Here, you can see the most wonderful scenery over the highest part. Trust me, the view is so beautiful.... :D

This is one the details of Masjid Tuban. If I am not mistaken it is like Masjid biru in Rusia, where the first president of Indoesia visited and prayed there.

This is the outside part before entering the main room of Masjid Tiban. 

Look, how happy we were. heheh

                 If you are willing to visit Masjid Tiban, I suggest you to wear a polite clothes. You know, this is a mosque, a place to pray not to having PICNIC or Recreation. If you visit for your first time, I also suggest you to ask a friend to accompany you, it will be better if those once visited or know more about this place. At the first time you will wonder even surprised with the building. Like I said before, if you come here with your friends you will be safe. You know that this place has a lot of stages even floors. Be careful, you may be loss to find the way to you start your journey. So watch out, and don't be panic. Usually there are some  guides (Santri of this Pondok) who kindly tell you all stories regarding to Masjid tiban.
So, what are you waiting for?
Let's come here :D


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